"i had just shaved yesterday and i had looked in the mirror...i dont see myself being a stupid to take in your statement that u will spend 40k$ for ur studies and come back to india and earn 12k$",
"pls dont give memorised answers to the questions that are going to be asked and pls erase the memorisedanswers to the 'questions i m supposed to ask'"
.the essence of all he said is that the applicant had to be truthful with their answers and more importantly his financial documents.believe me or not two guys standing ahead of me came up with literally same answers to the questions, i have no idea how they made it, same to the extent that both want to work in "big companies like Siemens, Motorola etc (note even the order of the big companies was unchanged!) guess that the visa officer was kind hearted. then came my turn, the conversation I had with the visa officer(VO) was as follows:
vo: gimme ur marksheets n gre toefl score reports
me: here there are, but i m yet to receive my provisional certificate, can give u my 8 sem marksheets n a course completion given by my college
vo: that would do gr8
gave it
vo: reasins for choosing usc?
me: m'am to be frank, i had very litte choice to make because i had only 2 more admitsi
vo: which ones?
me: ut arlington n sunyB
me:sunyb dint give me what i wanted, so i ruled that out
n between usa n uta spoke to a lot of ppl, got their inputs, went thro their sites n finally thought usc would give me better job prospects
vo: weather in california better than other two
< I misheard that her and thought that was complaining about the weather at california and said>
me: yes m'am, buffalo i heard is still worse
vo:exactly, how do u plan to fund ur education
me: fathers savings in bonds
showed the bonds
she was happy
n said alright ur visa would be issued
This is it guys, visa interviews are cake walk if you straight forward with your answers and documents