Friday, June 1, 2007

~orey the feelings~

y am i doing this?i ve been vetti all this while reading blog after blog and to some extent they have made me feel sad about the fact that college is over and not again can all of us sit in the same class or the bus or whatever. even for a person who doesn't try to project sadness or emotions outside, its really been tough not to write about my cherished ones. at this point, i wish to say that i feel so honoured and privileged to have been written about by people whom i am gonna miss in the time to come. keep checking my blog for the list of people who mattered most to me!


Hayawardh said...

"they have made me feel sad about the fact that college is over"

Make it clear - you miss the people, not the college

aRvInD said...

yes obviously,its the ppl whom i miss and not the coll

R.Eashwar Ramu said...

lol...good point by hayu...